DAY IN THE LIFE OF : : Polish fashion in the USA
Originally aired on Radio Poland, English Section, 2/29.
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Alexandra Borowczak, born in Poznan, creates hope for Polish fashion designers in the United States.
Born in Poznan to a family of artists, Ms. Borowczak was constantly surrounded by beauty. She emphasizes that growing up during communist times in Poland, it was normal for everyone to make their own clothes or have a stylist. Yet Ms. Borowczak studied architecture in university and pursued it for most of her life.
It wasn't until she lived in New York for over 30 years that she came up with the idea of the Polish-American Fashion Foundation (PAFF). Throughout the three decades that Ms. Borowczak has lived in the United States, she traveled back to her home country where she would buy Polish brands. Her friends continually complimented her clothing. Eventually, Ms. Borowczak thought how could she help to expose and promote Polish fashion designers in the United States.
Introduced by Kamila Kudelska